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What is Infertility?

Infertility refers to difficulty in conceiving(becoming pregnant) despite having regular sexual intercourse without using contraception.A woman couldn’t get pregnant  when  she was living with her partner together over 1 year.It is called Infertility  in Chinese  medical theory.

The main causes of infertility

1)    Non/Oligo-ovulation Infertility

2)    Luteinizing  Unruptured Follicle Syndrome(LUFS)

3)    Tubal Infertility

4)    Luteal Phase Defect

5)    Female Immune Infertility

6)    Immune Recurrent Miscarriage

7)    Unexplained Infertility

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Infertility(TCM)

TCM has a long history of treating infertility in both women and man.Female physiologic character:Jing(period),Yun(gestation),Chan(delivery),Ru(breastfeeding).TCM can make to  improve conception rates ,to improve pregnancy outcomes,to  reduce ectopic rates,to decrease miscarriage rates and improve live birth rates.

In TCM theory,the Kidney is responsible for reproduction,growth and aging.When Kidney energy is insufficient to support normal growth and development or becomes depleted by lifestyle factors,e.g.poor diet ,overwork or excessive sexual activity,many health problems including infertility can occur.Other patterns that can result in infertility are Liver Qi Stagnation,Blood Stasis or Deficiency and Dampness with Phlegm or Heat.

How Dr.Dong Can Help You

First select herbal remedies

According to TCM methods of diagnosis,combining Chinese pattern differentiation and West disease identification,I will prescribe herbal remedies to address the underlying imbalances.Heabal remedies can help to rejuvenate the body and correct hormonal imbalances to enhance fertility.They can help detoxify the liver and remove stagnation of liver Qi,which in turn increases the blood flow to the pelvic region.

Herbal remedies can effectively treat headaches,cramps  and breast pain symtoms caused by Liver Qi Stagnation.In addition they can also help to balance Spleen Qi Deficiency and therefore help to regulate hormones and periods.But most  patients have to take them 3 months.

Second select Acupuncture or Cupping or Massage

Traditional Chinese Medicines and male infertility

Men can also use Acupuncture and Chinese herbal remedies to treat their fertility problems,including sperm health problems.

Opening Hours

Mon - Sat 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

19B East Bridge Street
BT74 7BW

Tel.: 028 66342777


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